Housing rehabilitation for sale to low-income persons: property tax exemption created for nonprofit organizations  - AB668
Housing rehabilitation for sale to low-income persons: property tax exemption created for nonprofit organizations  - SB406
LWSR restriction re exterior colors of structures: exemption for farmhouses provided -  AB940
Manufactured home pier installation standards set; DILHR advisory committee membership revised [A.Amdt.1: sunset provided] -  AB510
Mobile and manufactured homes, parks and manufacturers: definitions and regulations revised; DILHR duties modified  - AB720
Mortgage bankers, loan originators and solicitors: certain nonprofit corporations exempt from DORL regulation and certain registration requirements [S.Amdt.1: applicability to community-based organization and housing authority]  - SB547
Multifamily housing access by disabled persons: requirements revised -  AB629
Reckless driving, OWI and duties of person involved in an accident: applicable premises expanded [A.Amdt.4: rules of the road exemptions for private parking areas at farms or single-family residences] -  AB283
Residential real property disclosure form revised re historic structures [A.Sub.Amdt.1: form revised, certain exceptions provided] -  AB391
Safety inspections and advisory services: civil liability immunity expanded; negligent inspection actions revised  - SB499
Time-share property sale made subject to sales tax; exemption from real estate transfer fee [Sec. 3477, 3478, 3480, 9348 (3); deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB150
War industries: statutes authorizing housing projects repealed -  AB842
housing _ rentHousing — Rent, see Landlord and tenant
housing and economic development authority, wisconsinHousing and economic development authority, Wisconsin
Agricultural production loan guarantee program extended [A.Sub.Amdt 1: further revisions, interest subsidy eliminated, audit of administrative assessments against the Wisconsin development reserve fund; A.Amdt.1: use of different eligibility criteria in emergencies; A.Amdt.3: interest subsidy changed; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-56: interest reduction]  - AB56
Business improvement loan guarantee program: use of loan procedes for snow drought emergencies  - AB601
Farm assets reinvestment management loan guarantee program created -  AB556
Job training loan guarantee program created [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6302j, 6305nr, 6985b; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Job training loan guarantee program created; memorandum of understanding required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: creation of Wisconsin job training reserve fund added, report required]  - AB583
Job training loan guarantee program created; memorandum of understanding required -  SB324
Passenger rail service funding re Milwaukee to Chicago route [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-557] (Senate recedes its position by adoption of Conf.Amdt.1) -  AB557
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, room tax, contracting, highway improvements, surplus state land sale and LAB audit [for further revisions, see entry under: ``Milwaukee Brewers"] -  SE5 AB1
Property tax deferral loan program: eligibility revised -  SB32
Spearfishing law enforcement unencumbered funds transfer to Wisconsin development reserve fund eliminated [Sec. 710] - AB150
WHEDA loan programs revised and replaced with small business development loan guarantee program; fund maintenance ratio modified; certain agricultural loan program repealed; bonding authority limit raised - AB1045
WHEDA loan programs revised and replaced with small business development loan guarantee program; fund maintenance ratio modified; certain agricultural loan program repealed; bonding authority limit raised - SB628
Wisconsin development reserve fund: certain moneys transferred to general fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9129 (1g)]  - AB150
hydroelectric powerHydroelectric power, see Electric utility
hygiene laboratoryHygiene laboratory
State laboratories coordination board created [Sec. 118, 233, 1765, 1766, 9101 (12); original bill only]  - AB150
i - I -
Anatomical gift recording on driver's license or ID card made mandatory [original bill only] - AB469
Anatomical gift recording on driver's license or ID card made mandatory -  SB212
Anatomical gift recording on driver's license or ID card: training for operator's license examiner; DOT information requirements; organ donor educational programs; fee and appropriation provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1; A.Amdt.1: educational programs, fees and appropriations removed]  - AB469
Cigarette and tobacco products: retailer licensing and sale or gifting regulation authority transferred to DHFS; local ordinance and DOR permit provisions - SB546
Digitized images of applicants for driver's licenses and ID cards authorized [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6411em, 6412bh-bn; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 6411emb, 6412bhb-bnb (Senate recedes its position)]  - AB150
Digitized images of applicants for driver's licenses and ID cards authorized -  AB402
Digitized images of applicants for driver's licenses and ID cards authorized -  AB557
Hologram and magnetic strip on driver's licenses and ID cards required -  AB194
Machine-readable ID cards for MA recipients: system operation date changed [Sec. 2991] -  AB150
Social security number requirement waived re applications for driver's license or ID cards -  AB85
Social security number requirement waived re applications for driver's license or ID cards -  AB225
ilif _investment and local impact fund_ILIF (Investment and local impact fund), see Mine and mining
illiteracyIlliteracy, see Literacy
Citizenship or immigration status of W-2 applicants -  AB591
Citizenship or immigration status of W-2 applicants -  SB359
Plea of guilty or no contest: grounds for withdrawal re possible immigration consequences revised - AB862
Statutes repealed re Board of immigration, cat licenses, stray animal appraisal, urinal flushing devices and cigar manufacturing below ground floor -  AB1000
immunizationImmunization, see Vaccination
implied consentImplied consent, see also Drunken driving
``Alcohol concentration" definition standardized re BAC -  AB985
``Alcohol concentration" definition standardized re BAC -  SB573
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level set for certain vehicle operators; chemical tests and applicable levels for other intoxication offenses (including firearm violations) revised  - SB605
Alcohol testing before issuance of citation: court decision codified -  SB570
Alcohol testing of public school students permitted; pupil suspension or expulsion authorized [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, written policies re discipline required; A.Amdt.1: discipline provision; A.Amdt.5 (pt.2): written policies re treatments required] -  AB718
ATV, motor vehicle and snowmobile operation: age for zero BAC raised to 21 -  AB181
Boating laws revised re intoxicated boating, absolute sobriety, safety certificates, operation by minors, speed limits, corrective lenses, night operation, personal watercraft and water skiing; DNR to promulgate model ordinance for local regulation of inland lakes -  AB439
OWI by person with 3 or more convictions: absolute sobriety required -  AB153
OWI by person with 5 or more offenses in 10 years: penalties increased -  SB431
Traffic regulation cases requiring forfeiture: appeals limited -  AB465
impoundmentImpoundment, see Forfeiture
incestIncest, see Sex crimes
incidental taking of endangered speciesIncidental taking of endangered species, see Natural resource
income taxIncome tax
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -  AB1097
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -  SB674
Internal revenue code update [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1987m, 3373b-k, w, 3393m, 3396b-r, 3399g-k, 3404c, e-s, 3406v, 3412m, 3528m, p, 9348 (8x)] -  AB150
Tax burden study by DOR and LFB required -  AB12
Tax liability of formerly married persons -  AB602
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling, depository assessments and filing of late or extended returns [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, depository assessments provision removed, sampling limited to fuel taxes] -  AB775
Toll-free telephone line for income tax questions: DOR required to establish -  AB455